The world is undergoing a digital transformation more and more by the day. And now more than ever, everyone wants to make money online because that is the new gold mine. However, many have been snake bitten time and time again that they find it hard to know the good from the bad. That’s why I came up with this review. In this article, I will review the prosperity formula in detail, show you its advantages and disadvantages. All this and more will give you enough information that will guide you in making a decision as to whether to purchase it or not.

What is the Prosperity Formula?The Prosperity Formula To Make Passive Income Online

The prosperity formula is a legit means to make passive income online. Not just that, but the creators claim that through the program, many have made six figures consistently over a long period of time. Is that true? Well, that is what we are here to find out.

When you enroll, you would be given detailed instructions on how to create a site. Don’t fret, it is nothing complicated and you don’t need to be a tech guru to get this done. This site is so that people will have an online space to purchase your affiliate product. By this, you make more and more money. It’s like having affiliate links on an affiliate site that you will promote so as to make money through affiliate marketing. You can also make use of ads like Soli Ads to promote your affiliate links through every email address you’ve gathered or bought. Sounds easy, right? It can be if you follow the steps and tips in the program.

You could put up your link in other places or even set up email campaigns, but this mini-site should not be overlooked because of its efficiency. I also serve as the base of all your efforts in your social media accounts, email campaigns, and more.

After you purchase the product and are signed in, here are the steps to take to make a profit. Of course, you wouldn’t walk this path alone. There will be guided every step of the way and you’d be taught as though you didn’t know anything about digital marketing before.

Prosperity Formula Profit Process

  • Build a sales funnel
  • Create your products
  • Write high converting copies
  • Create engaging content
  • Drive organic traffic
  • Run an A/B split-test campaign
  • Run paid ad campaigns

The Prosperity Formula Review – About the Author, James FrancisThe Prosperity Formula James Francis

Before jumping on any program, it is always important for you to know what you are getting into. There is no point spending part of your savings on a program only to find out that the creator is someone who doesn’t know his onions well. In that light, here is a quick walk through the life of the creator of this program -James Francis.

James Francis is the CEO and founder of the Prosperity formula. James Francis has been in the online information marketing business for over nine years and boasts a yearly income of over five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). While making this money, he has also helped many clients grow their online businesses and changed thousands of people’s lives worldwide.

The best part about his life is he earns more than half a million per year from his house’s comfort, giving him ample time to live his dreams like many other affiliates.

James decided on starting Prosperity Formula many years ago for a number of reasons but the one that stands out is widespread unemployment.

The recession of 2008 was massive, so much that lots and lots of people lost their jobs. It was so bad that fresh graduates couldn’t find good organizations to settle in. That was because everyone was just trying to stay afloat – and an increase in the wage bill was a no-no at the point. Anyway, without mincing words, James was caught in all of this too. He was jobless and he’d just received an ultimatum by his woman’s parents to leave their house within three months. James didn’t throw in the towel, he rather put in the work and after trying his ability at a lot of things, he finally found his safe haven – The Prosperity Formula

Why is this Online Business Superior?The Prosperity Formula The Sky Is The Limit

It Doesn’t Take Forever to Start

Within three days of purchasing the Prosperity Formula, you can begin to earn passively – that’s how it was designed.

In all honesty, there are a thousand and one reasons to consider this program: and thousand and two to put your money on it, and a thousand and three to further stick it with. However, here are some of the reasons that stand out: according to the creators, you should buy the Prosperity Formula because;

  • The prosperity Formula was designed so you can start making sales within 1-3 days of launching your mini-sites
  • This same method has earned James Francis an average of $1,412 daily for the past 12 months.
  • Thousands of people have used the prosperity formula to generate extra cash in more the twenty-four niches.
  • The prosperity formula has been taught to over 5,000 people. James tutored them on how to create profitable side hustles using this same formula.
  • Thousands of testimonials all over the net; you can find a couple on the prosperity formula homepage
  • You learn from an expert. James Francis is not just a newbie in making money online; by purchasing the formula, you gain access to more than nine years of experience making money online.

Prosperity Formula Review – What is contained in the Prosperity FormulaThe Prosperity Formula Reviews

The prosperity Formula went straight for the jugular. Within it is a video course broken down into 18 modules that last a combined period of eight hours. They are detailed instructions and guides to help you get ahead in the program and make money significantly.

The modules in the prosperity formula include

MODULE 1 – Start here

The introductory section shows why you should follow up on the program, proofs of earnings and proof of expertise, and instructions on the best way to learn the prosperity formula.

MODULE 2– Profit Validation

Many people have the misconception that it is until they spam people’s inboxes on social media or through emails that they make a profit; this opinion is wrong. In this module, you will learn:

That you can only make money online by trading a problem with a solution, simplified as Problem ->Persuasion -> Solution (sale). To specialize in a niche. A niche you already know about and a niche you would like to learn. There are literally hundreds of niches when it comes to digital marketing. If unaided, you will make a lot of mistakes and take a lot of time finding one that will suit you. What you need is a guide to help you how to choose the most profitable niche for you.

Look no more, this program will help you find the right niche that will result to the most profit. You will also get a questionnaire that can help you find a niche that you like. Important tips on some niches and the best method to go about it.

MODULE 3 – Creating Your Customer Profile

In this module, you will be given a worksheet where questions such as who your audience is, what problems can be solved in your niche, what goals you have for your niche, and many more questions to help create a customer profile. You also get to know what your customers not what you think they want, a mistake made by most affiliate marketers.

You will also learn how to do a proper market survey to find out who your audience is and ways to get them to buy from you.

MODULE 4 – Laying the Foundations

Every building requires a foundation, and building an online business is no exception. In this module, you will learn:

  • The six steps to building the right foundation for your online business.
  • The dos and don’ts of creating a website
  • How to set up your account(s) for payment
MODULE 5 – The Prosperity Formula

You will learn

  • The best approach when it comes to selling products to people
  • How to make a simple idea more enticing and attractive.
  • The importance of making your solution different from others and why your solution stands out will increase your profit.
MODULE 6 – The Prosperity Formula II – Profit Process

The continuation of module 5 where you will learn

  • How to give value to prospective leads while promoting a product to them.
  • The effectiveness of a squeeze page and the importance of building an email list. If you don’t know it yet, the squeeze page is the landing page on your site that aims to convert casual visitors into actual email subscribers. These should eventually lead to making sales. According to one article, The way this works is by offering something of value to people in exchange for their email address. This is often a bribe or a lead magnet that promises to teach them how to get rid of a problem or achieve a certain goal. If you want to build your email list, you need to be using squeeze pages as they are the most effective way to do so.”
MODULE 7 – Audience Attraction

You will learn

  • How to attract an audience to your online business without looking to promote sales, this way people want to work with you and not are forced to work with you
  • Importance of giving free content and how best to structure it.
MODULE 8 – The Solution Selling System

You will get to know

  • It is important to earn your prospective buyers’ trust and confidence because of the value they got from your lead magnet and buy products you recommend.
  • How to make sales either by selling your product or as an affiliate.
MODULE 9 – Building a Loyal Fanbase

You will learn

  • The importance of keeping your prospect for a long time; this way, you can multiply your profit up to 5 times more.
  • Importance of using a good email auto-responder and how best to about it.
MODULE 10 – Building a Loyal Fanbase II: Generating Leads
  • A continuation of module 9, You will know
  • How best to build an email list without committing a crime.
  • How to create a squeeze page
  • Different types of squeeze pages.
  • How to content delivery page.
MODULE 11 – Your Profit Multipliers
  • You will learn that for you to run an online business, one sale is not a sale.
  • How to analyze your prospects behavioral pattern to maximize profit (a win-win scenario)
  • How to create and make upsells.
  • What is a tripwire, and why you shouldn’t use it?
MODULE 12 – Your Automated Follow-Up Machine
  • The importance of following up with your prospects and how to go about it.
  • The time frame between each email and
  • The top follow-up mistakes you should avoid
  • The sequence of your sales offer and follow up should follow
MODULE 13 – Communicating and Building Trust with Your Audience

The bigger and more responsive your audience is, the more money you’ll make from your promotions. In this module, you will be taught:

  • How to send broadcast emails.
  • Importance of sticking to your schedule.
  • The best template to follow to get the best result

MODULE 14 – Building Bridges

You will be taught

  • How to build your authority in a niche?
  • The best ways to make use of an authority blog.
  • Best ways to set up your blog (selecting a theme, sidebar widgets, banners, etc.)
MODULE 15 – How to get an unlimited Stream of Buyer Traffic

You will learn

  • The best ways to attract your ideal customers using Facebook ads.
  • How should you go about attracting new customers?
  • Types of ads and the best ads type to use
MODULE 16 –The top 3 alternative Free Traffic Strategies

Apart from Facebook ads, there are other alternatives. You will see:

  • How to find popular high traffic blogs
  • How to maximize the power of guest blogging
  • Forums you can use to build traffic
MODULE 17 – Testing, Tweaking, and Perfecting Your Funnel

You will learn tricks

  • To increase your conversion rate.
  • How to calculate your opt-in rate, EPC, and opening rate of your email broadcast and how to analyze it? There are many methods for calculating your website’s conversion rate. This program will teach you the most convenient way.
  • What is split testing and how to use it
MODULE 18 – Your Six-Figure Blueprint

The final module of digital prosperity. After following all the modules, everything is set to start making a profit. You will learn

  • How to automate or outsource depending on where needs arise.
  • General tips such as consistency, the importance of networking, and grow our traffic, etc.
  • . You also get an opportunity to be among the six people who can further grow their online business through the 0 to 10k program.

Additional Knowledge in the Prosperity Formula CourseThe Prosperity Formula What Makes The Prosperity Formula Different

These aren’t exactly bonuses, but they are some of the many ways the creator of Prosperity Formula has gone over and beyond just to give you exceeding value for your money, likewise enough training, tools, and marketing methods.

  • How to earn from big money niche, even if you’re a total beginner
  • The best niche to go into and stop wasting time on niches that will never make any money. A simple system for creating 3-page mini-sites that generates thousands of organic traffic and, in turn, a lot of sales. Niches people are willing to spend money on high converting products to sell (allowing you to earn hundreds of dollars for making just one sale)
  • How to create different types of mind-blowing content that will drive even a total stranger to pull out his/her wallet and buy what you’re selling
  • Why there is no need to make your products (and why it’s easier and faster to get paid for other people’s expertise)
  • The proven email marketing templates for driving sales around the clock
  • The key to creating a mass loyalty brand that knows, like, and trust you (and will buy almost any product you recommend)
  • How to get thousands of organic blog traffic without having to spend all day writing or paying for ads
  • Three different strategies for driving free traffic to your mini-sites
  • How to tweak and test your mini-sites so you can scale up your earnings daily

Pros of the Prosperity FormulaThe Prosperity Formula Pros

It is about solving problems

Many money-making schemes online aren’t as good as they appear. In fact, many are outright wrong. Some take money from some people to give to others, some scam people and some even sell fake products. The problem is that it is difficult to discern which ones are legit and which ones are scams. One thing is for sure, the Property Formula is not one of those scam programs that will try to steal your money. This one is about you earning money for clean work. That is you get paid by helping people all over the world solve problems. That might seem like it’s not a big deal, but trust me, it will go a long way in helping you sleep at night.

It Has a Wide Reach

When the creator of this program, James, started, he made tons of money selling products that educated people on how to build chicken coops. That just shows how wide the Prosperity Formula is – you can actually make use of the knowledge that will be given you in any area and sell products in any niche to whichever market you decide to work with. The Prosperity Formula is not a straight jacket. All you have to do is come in and pick a spot that you like.

Not time Consuming

Making money is great, but spending it and spending it well is greater. It is never a good thing when you make so much money only for you to not have enough time to spend it, or not have time for those you’re making the money for.

This is one advantage of affiliate marketing. “By investing an initial amount of time into a campaign, you will see continuous returns on that time as consumers purchase the product over the following days and weeks. You receive money for your work long after you’ve finished it. Even when you’re not in front of your computer, your marketing skills will be earning you a steady flow of income.”

The prosperity formula is not like that in any way. With a dedication of thirty minutes to sixty minutes every day, you can easily pull in a significant amount of money at the end of the month. That gives a perfect balance, right?

It isn’t Complicated

One major thing that stands the Prosperity formula out is its simplicity. Comparable programs usually appear intimidating in that there are so many rules, so many complex words, and way too many strategies to follow as internet marketers. The Prosperity Formula is not like that, thankfully. If anything at all, the creators took time to make sure that everything passed across with the most basic of grammar. Whether you are a professor or you can barely understand complex stuff, everyone can benefit from the program immensely.

It is Like a Quality Course

The Prosperity Formula sometimes looks like a Coursera course and that gives it a really smooth and academic feel. This isn’t me saying that it is boring and all knowledge, but at the end of every chapter, there are quizzes to test you on the knowledge you’ve just received. That way, you’d be sure to listen carefully and pay close attention every step of the way. Also, homework tasks to ensure you are not just watching but you are taking action and getting results. This is a good system as it ensures that you absorb what you are supposed to learn before going to the next module. Plus, you get to see if you did learn something, thanks to the assessments you need to take after.

Simple spreadsheets that allow you to track your progress and your income. No one teaches internet marketing like this or conducts its training program like this, trust me.

Proven free resources (templates, worksheets, and free website plug-ins to scale up).

You get an “over the shoulder” walkthrough of every single thing you need to earn from this online business (from setting up your mini websites to driving traffic and collecting paychecks). It is like having a session with an experienced mentor.


Like you already know, the Internet is full of fraudsters. That means that you should be very careful what you purchase and where you purchase the product. The last thing you want is to read up on such an amazing program like this, fall in love with it, commit your money to it, then get stolen from it in the end. Visit the official site to make any purchase.

After you purchase the product, the truth is you won’t become a master of internet marketing or a success overnight. Every good thing takes time, and the Prosperity Formula is no exception. You have to study the content and learn how to apply the steps. Plus, the system is not going to do the work for you. It is simply your guide on how to achieve success in the digital marketing world.

So, buckle down, and put in the work, day after day. Create content, send out emails, be diligent with your ads, and do everything you can to get better by the day. Before you know it, you’ll be everything you want to be through the platform and more.

KN IO T – All You Need to Know

Prosperity Formula is an online business and to succeed in any venture that’s digital, there are certain things you need to be a master of first. Off of his extensive knowledge and undeniable expertise, James came up with a formula that you can use to upscale your online ventures.

K stands for a skill set of knowledge. The knowledge you learn allows you to set and reach your goal adequately. The knowledge you need to succeed online is contained in this 8-hours course.

N stands for need. As much as you have interests and niches you will like to promote; you need to attend to people’s NEEDS. You find out the products, information, and services that people will need. This way, you help them by offering choices that will satisfy their needs.

IO stands for an Irresistible offer. After knowing what people need, you add value by providing them with helpful information; this builds up the trust relationship between you and potential leads.

T stands for traffic. While making your offer, you make it in such an enticing manner to gain as much traffic as possible.


At this point, it should be clear that the Prosperity Formula is an internet money-making scheme that stands miles apart from the rest. It has numerous online positive reviews, a guarantee of quality, thousands of users worldwide, and an ever-increasing impact on the general public. In my opinion, it’s a must-have.

The Prosperity Formula>> Get Instant Access Now <<

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